Saturday, January 24, 2009

About Me

Hey Again!
I am a Junior at Saint Peter's College. I live on campus, I was  born and raised in South Jersey.  My favorite color is orange because it is bright and vibrant like me.  My favorite cereal is Golden Grahams.  I have two older sisters, I am the baby of my sisters.  I have one niece and one nephew and I am about to be a God mom.  At home I have a dog named Roscoe and a bird named Kiwi.  My favorite shows are The Hills and the First 48.  I am a double major they are Education and Sociology.  Well that is all I can think of right now about me, but until further notice I will write more about myself.


Hello Everyone!
Assessment is the "what" the "how","when" and "where" and developing skills to think "why."  Their are two parts to Assessment which is summative and formative.  I like formative because it helps teachers to better understand students.  Like before the teacher starts a new subject you have them write a couple sentences about what they know, then you teach from what you think the students know.  The benefits of assessment are strenuous and I just gave one example.  Another is something called the muddiest points and the students give the teachers feedback with what they thought were the toughest points in the recently learned material.  Their is a wrong way to use assessment, but the right way is proven to work and be the most reliable way to teach students. 

Friday, January 16, 2009

First Blog

Hello this is my very first blog, I have just created it. I'm in Dr. Luongo's class which is Tests and Measurements. I have never blogged before or had an online class, hopefully it is interesting.