Thursday, February 12, 2009

Learning Targets

The learning target is very important to students learning. It is an expected learning outcome that is derived from an educational goal as said in the book. Learning targets focus students and teachers on the knowledge and skills intended for learning. So learning targets are based on how and what teachers would like for their students to know and understand. The teachers would then let students know what the goal is. The focus of the goal is on student achievements as well as on the learning process. Learning targets help students to understand what they are learning and what they should know at the end of the unit. This is good for students so they know what they are learning and what they should know by the end of the instructional unit.

1 comment:

  1. Sesheni,

    Nice job!

    You describe, "So learning targets are based on how and what teachers would like for their students to know and understand. The teachers would then let students know what the goal is."

    How would you go about this in your classroom?
